Finding Purpose as an Empty Nester
One of the keys to living a life you love is having purpose or meaning. For many of us, that’s what fueled us as moms – raising our families provided us with a sense of purpose. We knew without a doubt what our day was going to look like from the moment we woke up in the morning to when we fell into bed at night. And 99% of it revolved around the kids and their activities.
But as they start to need you less and less, how do you find purpose as an empty nester? Where do you even start?
Let’s face it. For many of us, the word ‘purpose’ is a loaded term. We attribute all kinds of things to it. It has to be ‘big’, or it has to ‘change the world’. Maybe it’s starting a business or a non-profit that will bring you purpose.
It’s enough to make you think that finding purpose as an empty nester is just too damn overwhelming. And what do we do when we feel overwhelmed? Nothing.
And that’s not the answer either.
Let me put your mind at ease. Finding purpose as an empty nester doesn’t have to be big or scary. It doesn’t mean you have to end world hunger or start a new business.

No, finding purpose as an empty nester can be as simple as doing something that has meaning for YOU. Something that fills your soul and brings you joy. It can be as simple as baking bread and giving it to people you love just so you can see their face light up. Or going on a hike on a Saturday morning so you can reconnect with nature. Or making a regular date to get together with your girlfriend’s so you can fill up your love cup.
What if you don’t know what has meaning for you? Don’t worry! Most moms who are starting to explore this chapter have either lost touch with what brings them meaning, or never really knew what it was to begin with (like me) and that can feel overwhelming. But the best part of this journey is the exploration - get curious and notice what speaks to you and brings you joy and then pull that thread. Is it writing? Take a writing class. Traveling? Plan that next trip. Don’t forget - this is the fun part!
Need some support to discover what brings you purpose and meaning? Sign up for a complimentary Pathway to Purpose Breakthrough session below and let’s chat!

I got clarity on how to best deal with issues with a better mindset, communicating and setting boundaries, setting time aside each day to just be with myself and thinking, allowing myself to be more present and not always “doing”, learning to relax and feeling okay with that, being more grateful for the people in my life, being more aware of the good things instead of looking at the negatives.
Thank you!
- PU
I am most proud of seeing a change in my self confidence to try new things. I am coming out of a fog that I've been in the last couple of years and I don't feel as "Stuck" as I was. I am also proud of myself for paying attention to things I haven't really paid attention to before and listening more to that voice in my head and embracing it and making things happen.