Your Magenta Monday Magic.
Have you ever paused to think about what it means to be brave?
I don’t know about you, but before I started doing this work, I had all kinds of preconceptions about what it meant to be courageous.
It meant to push through; stay tough; soldier on. Keep calm and carry on, keep a stiff upper lip, put on a ‘brave’ face, and never let them see you sweat. 😮💨
My takeaway was that I should not feel the feelings, but instead push through them so they didn’t get in the way of accomplishing whatever I was pursuing.
As I’ve gotten older and pursued my own growth journey, I’ve learned that it takes a great deal of courage just to be vulnerable enough to acknowledge and truly feel your feelings – whether you’re scared to death of having a big conversation, or you’re dismantling a behavior or habit you’ve been carting around for so long you can’t remember where it came from.
It takes courage to be honest with yourself and others, to stay true to your values, and to set boundaries to ensure the life you’re living is in alignment with the big, purposeful, joyful life you are meant to live — the life of empowered and authentic living that’s uniquely yours.
I believe wholeheartedly that our mission in life is to find our way back to our hearts and souls. They’re what make us who we are. And while each of the Living BRIGHTer pillars is critical to that journey, bravery is the mechanism that helps you find and live your truth. Empowered and authentic living requires the bravery to be vulnerable, to embrace your true self, and to make choices that align with your core values.
In the word, BRIGHT, Bravery, and Truth are the bookends that make empowered and authentic living possible. 🔆
You can’t have one without the other.
This month we’ll explore ways to tap into courage, and we’ll also touch on what gets in the way of being brave.
Monday Mindshift
It’s the 1° shift that makes the biggest difference over time.
As you read through my August weekly emails, take some time to consider whether or not you are challenging yourself to be brave in your own life. Are you fully embracing empowered and authentic living? Have you been holding back from facing fears, setting boundaries, or making difficult decisions that would allow you to live more authentically?
… make sure you don’t let reading about the work be a substitute for actually doing the work itself.
Living BRIGHTer is...
B - Be Brave
R - Cultivate Relationships
I - Live with Intention
G - Practice Gratitude
H - Prioritize Health
T - Live your Truth
What is Magenta?
The color magenta is one of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. Magenta helps to create harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
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