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Writer's pictureBridget Belden

Living Your Truth: The Center for Growth and Opportunity

Updated: May 30, 2024

Live with intention

Your Magenta Monday Magic.

Surrounding Yourself with Positive and Supportive People

This month we’re going to explore Living your Truth, which, when it comes down to it, is the ultimate goal of living a BRIGHTer life. ✨ It's the center for growth and opportunity.

You see, when you focus on any of the pillars of my Live BRIGHTer program – whether it’s practicing gratitude or being brave – little by little you make your way closer to living your truth. 

The concept of living your truth, as a center for growth and opportunity, evolves as you grow.

It requires witnessing yourself without judgment so you can identify where you may be out of alignment and then course correct. 

Sometimes those course corrections are huge, life-changing events like moving across the country to make a new start, or even leaving a marriage that no longer works.

Sometimes though, those course corrections can be minor – small actions like recognizing that you said something hurtful in an emotional moment. It can involve admitting to yourself that how you acted doesn’t align with how you want to show up in your life, so you course correct and clean it up by apologizing to the person you hurt. 😞

Whether the shifts are large or small, living your truth takes a clear vision of who you want to be and what you want your life to feel like.

It takes reflection and curiosity.

It takes courage to look at things especially when you may not want to admit them to yourself. 

It takes compassion for yourself and others to make changes in a loving way. 

And it takes choosing your truth over and over and over again.  💫

In fact you will NEVER actually get to a point when you are in your truth 100% of the time for the rest of your life. 

There is no finish line with this work.

I know that may sound discouraging, but let me assure you that the journey is far more rewarding than any finish line could deliver.

Yes you will encounter difficulty, sometimes heartbreaking pain. You’ll grieve for what you may choose to leave behind. It’s not easy. Personally I’ve shed so many tears and nursed my broken heart more times than I can count on my journey.

But the gift lies in the choosing. Choosing actions that are in alignment with your purpose, your passion and how you want to show up and live this life. 

-> You’ll choose whether to respond or react. 

-> You’ll choose whether to show up the way you did in the past, or whether you want to  challenge yourself to show up differently. 

-> You’ll choose whether you want to push your edges just a little more, or stick with the status quo.

Simply by choosing, you are no longer living on autopilot. You are now consciously creating your life.

In addition to the tears, you’ll experience the highest highs and more joy than you ever thought your heart could hold. You’ll feel the deepest love for yourself, for life, and for others – more love than you ever thought possible. You’ll marvel at how beautiful life is. You’ll also be humbled by what a small part we play in the grand scheme of it all.

The thing is, there’s room for all of it.

Because you can’t feel love without pain or joy without sadness. How would you know what one is if you haven’t felt its opposite?

Each choice is an opportunity for you to become more in alignment with your truth.

It’s your course corrections that will help keep you on track. 🛤️ 


Monday Mindshift

It’s the 1° shift that makes the biggest difference over time.

Some of the most big questions my clients contemplate when we start working together are:

  • How do I know what my truth is?

  • How does it shift as I grow and evolve?

  • What does it look like to choose again and again?

We’ll spend this month exploring these questions. Stick with me and by the end of the month, you should have what you need to either begin or continue on your journey towards Living your Truth, the center for growth and opportunity. 🌱



Living BRIGHTer is...

B - Be Brave

R - Cultivate Relationships

I - Live with Intention

G - Practice Gratitude

H - Prioritize Health

T - Live your Truth

What is Magenta?

The color magenta is one of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. Magenta helps to create harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Click on my calendar link to sign up for a FREE 45-minute Pathway to Purpose Breakthrough Session now.


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