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Practicing Gratitude to Manifest Abundance

Writer's picture: Bridget BeldenBridget Belden

Updated: Nov 11, 2024

Live with intention

Your Magenta Monday Magic

I found myself in a real funk last month. I’ve been there before, and experience has taught me it won’t last for long. Sometimes I’m there for a day or two – feeling an overall sense of bleh – but other times everything will feel kind of gray for a couple of weeks. 

It’s not easy to pinpoint what triggers these episodes for me, because it’s not any one area that’s affected. When I look back now though, I realize that this time it was that I was grieving.

My son and his dog had moved out, the nonprofit I founded seemed to be coming to an end, and although I’m excited about the continual evolution of my work, I was feeling a lot of uncertainty around it. 

I was stuck in the space between the past that I knew, and the future that I didn’t – I was in a liminal space. Being in that space of uncertainty was pretty uncomfortable. 🫥

Most of us crave certainty in life, but midlife is about anything but certainty.

It’s something we’ll all face in spades at midlife though. As we transition from one stage to the next, there are no guarantees about what’s around the corner. You may find yourself transitioning from being:

➡️ an active parent to an empty nester

➡️ focused on your kids, to being focused on your partner 

➡️ a daughter to becoming a caregiver 

➡️ married to becoming single 

➡️ a working woman to becoming retired

In many cases, you’re shedding a role you’ve been focused on for so long, that it’s become synonymous with your identity.

As those roles shift – in rapid-fire succession or even all at the same time – you may find yourself in a funk of your own. You may feel lost, overwhelmed, scared, anxious, sad, lonely or all of the above.

How do you anchor yourself again, in the midst of these life-changing shifts?

Practicing gratitude to manifest abundance is a powerful starting point, my friend.

When you focus on being present with what you have, you shift the focus off what you’re letting go of. 

Will that make the liminal space more comfortable? It may. 

You see, moving through that space takes time, patience, and self-compassion. And though you may feel completely stuck, you are, in fact, moving forward. If you can manage to practice gratitude as you go, you’ll notice all kinds of beautiful things to nourish you along the way.

It’s an important distinction to make – the difference between having an attitude of gratitude and practicing gratitude to manifest abundance. Practicing gratitude involves the regular habit of actively engaging in getting present.

Practicing gratitude to manifest abundance involves the regular habit of actively engaging in getting present.


Monday Mindshift

It’s the 1° shift that makes the biggest difference over time.

This month, as we explore the power of gratitude for keeping you centered while moving through the myriad transitions of midlife, I’d like to ask you to practice gratitude with me every day. 

There are so many ways you can do this, and I’ve listed a few below.:

  1. Every day, in the morning or at night, write down 3 things you’re grateful for. Give yourself time to pause and think, in detail, about the thing you are grateful for, and why. You should feel it in your body.

  2. As you go about your day, pause and state out loud what you are grateful for. It might be something happening to you at that moment – a phone call, a text, or someone holding a door open for you. Maybe it’s a family of doves waddling across your patio, the feeling of a cool breeze blowing through your window at night, a nice thing your husband said, or the fact that you’re in a good mood for no specific reason. Whatever it is, speak your gratitude out loud.

  3. When you find yourself feeling fear or scarcity, pause, acknowledge it, and then transform it into gratitude. Say out loud: ‘I’m terrified to give my boss this presentation today, but it’s okay because I’m grateful for the opportunity to show what I’m capable of.”

Whichever way you choose to practice gratitude as a way of manifesting abundance, work on incorporating it into every day of the month. Practicing gratitude and manifesting abundance daily can make a significant impact on your outlook. I think you’ll be amazed at how grounded you feel as September unfolds.



Living BRIGHTer is...

B - Be Brave

R - Cultivate Relationships

I - Live with Intention

G - Practice Gratitude

H - Prioritize Health

T - Live your Truth

What is Magenta?

The color magenta is one of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. Magenta helps to create harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

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