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Writer's pictureBridget Belden

Weathering the seasons of relationships

Your Magenta Monday Magic.

The people around us, and the relationships we form, are often rooted in community.

These relationships are a critical piece of living a vibrant, BRIGHT life, and like a garden, we need to cultivate them with love and attention

Our friends give us joy; our spouses/partners know us better than most and our kids, (Well, they’re our kids.’ Nuf said.)

When you think of your friends, significant other, kids, colleagues, sports teams, church community, or volunteer groups, so much of our time and energy as moms is invested in cultivating strong relationships within these circles.

This month we will dive a little deeper into why specific kinds of human relationships and connection are so important for a joyful and fulfilling life

There are different types and all provide different components of an intricate support system that give our life meaning. None of which can come from just one source alone.

“We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we don’t function as were meant to be. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache … The absence of love and belonging will always lead to suffering.” - Brene Brown

The important thing to remember is that like life, all relationships have seasons that they go through.

Once you understand that, it makes it easier to ride the wave of transformation as they shift.

Like a tree that loses its leaves in fall, then is reborn again with spring, such is the ebb and flow of relationships.

Some may grow and get deeper while others change or fade away altogether.

Something that really helps me when I’m in the middle of a major transition, is to remember that it’s not permanent. Even if the situation feels painful and hard, I now know that just as nature teaches us, it will eventually give way to a new reality.

So no matter where you are in your seasons with your relationships - or life in general - know that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be. Give yourself extra love and compassion and no matter how much you may want to move on to make it easier - remember that the time will come.



Monday Mindshift

Think about the following questions and write down what comes to mind in your journal.

  • Who are you and your husband as a couple beyond being parents?

  • Are those friends - the parents you hung out with through kids-shared sporting and school events still around? And if so, do they reflect your changing values and understanding of who you are as a person? Or, do you have friends you’ve known outside of your kids’ circles? If so, how connected are you to them?

  • Your kids - now that they need you less, how do you relate to them as you continue to guide them on their journey as young adults?

These are all questions I discuss regularly with my clients who are just starting to get to know themselves, and over the course of the next month, we’ll explore them further.

So stay tuned.

You are invited to add this week’s thoughts or findings to the Thriving Mom’s discussion HERE.

Love Xoxo,


Living BRIGHTer is...

B - Be Brave

R - Cultivate Relationships

I - Live with Intention

G - Practice Gratitude

H - Prioritize Health

T - Live your Truth

What is Magenta?

The color magenta is one of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life. Magenta helps to create harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Click on my calendar link to sign up for a FREE 45-minute Pathway to Purpose Breakthrough Session now.


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